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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2020.12.03 2019구합107400

1. The Defendant’s disposition of salary reduction for three months against the Plaintiff on July 26, 2019 shall be revoked.

2. The costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the defendant.


1. Details of the disposition;

A. From January 25, 2016 to January 6, 2019, the Plaintiff worked for female children and juveniles in the administrative welfare bureau in B local governments (family members of the current local government’s health and welfare bureau; hereinafter “ female children and juveniles”) as local social welfare assistant, and was in charge of support for operation of C organization.

B. On July 19, 2018, the Plaintiff was requested by telephone to issue a registration certificate of non-profit non-profit private organizations (hereinafter “instant registration certificate”) to issue identification numbers of non-profit private organizations (hereinafter “instant registration certificate”).

Accordingly, after modifying the representative and domicile of the registration certificate of this case, the Plaintiff prepared an official seal register kept in the autonomous administration division of the administrative welfare bureau of the B local government (autonomous decentralization division of the present B local government, hereinafter “autonomous decentralization division”) and then delivered the registration certificate of this case with the Defendant’s official seal affixed thereon.

C. Around March 14, 2019, D visited the autonomous administration division in order to amend the articles of incorporation of the C organization. At this time, D confirmed that the instant registration certificate, which is the autonomous administration division, was already issued, and requested the inspection committee of the B local government on March 14, 2019.

B The audit committee of the local government made a request for heavy disciplinary action against the plaintiff on the ground that "the act of the plaintiff is against the duty of good faith under Article 2 of the Local Public Officials Discipline Rules."

On May 23, 2019, the plaintiff appealed and applied for review on May 23, 2019, but the audit committee of the local government B dismissed the above request for review.

E. Accordingly, around July 2019, the Defendant requested a resolution of heavy disciplinary action against the Plaintiff on the grounds for disciplinary action under the following circumstances to the personnel committee of the B local government, and the personnel committee of the B local government on July 23, 2019 constituted a violation of the duty of good faith under Article 48 of the Local Public Officials Act.
