본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 김천지원 2017.04.27 2017고정19


A A A shall be punished by a fine of KRW 1.5 million, Defendant B, and Defendant C by a fine of KRW 3 million.

The Defendants respectively.


Punishment of the crime

Defendants and D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, and M are the assistants of the “Shoebm”, the organization of violence in the old U.S. region.

D The post-ship officers are entering fighting, entering the ship, leaving the ship, and leaving the ship in other areas, despite a behavior order to make a report to the ship owner once a year, it was caused by the strength of the organization, such as the occurrence of traffic accidents, while making a trip to the flag without reporting by N,O, etc.

At the end of June, 2014, the phone called to F, which is the cause of the latter organization, for “I, B, B, and their children shall not be properly managed, but all of them shall not be able to be fightingd and fightingd, and I, as soon as possible.”

b) Doese;

In the future, we ordered that the management of patriotism should not occur in the future, and that the machinery of the organization should be immediately cut.

Accordingly, F, E, H, and G, an early 83 years old, had a mind to assault (hereinafter referred to as 'defluence') the later steering staff. On the following day following the receipt of the above instructions, F, E, H, and G were urged to gather 1, J, Defendant C, Defendant C, Defendant C, Defendant C, Defendant B, M, R, and S, and waiting for each studio at the main place for each season.

After that, E, F, G, and H, a 83-year-old her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her herst herst herst herst her herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst herst., and the herst herst herst herst herst herst herth herth.

In addition, the 86-year life period under the above instruction.
