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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원서부지원 2017.08.09 2016가단17266

1. The Defendant’s transfer of security against B, No. 501, a joint law office 2013, a notary public against B.


1. Basic facts

A. The Plaintiff entered into the instant lease agreement between the Plaintiff and B, etc.

A) Company is a company engaging in the business. B is an individual entrepreneur engaged in the business of manufacturing paintings in a mutual name. On October 2, 2013, the Plaintiff agreed to transfer the said machinery to B after the lease period is terminated when the Plaintiff reserved the ownership of the said machinery during the lease period, and the lease fees are fully paid (hereinafter “the lease contract of this case”).

(2) Since then, the Plaintiff purchased 5 machinery of “Sone Star Co., Ltd. (Standard 2688)” from F, which engages in wholesale business of mechanical equipment with the trade name “E,” at KRW 137,50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 won.

3) However, B paid only the rent for 35 months until September 2016 to the Plaintiff, and did not pay the remainder of the rent under the instant lease agreement. B, such as the preparation of the instant notarial deed between the Defendant and B, as between the Defendant and the Defendant, who was the seat of H on April 8, 2013, prior to the conclusion of the instant lease agreement, as a notary public, No. 501 of the Cjoint Law Office 201, No. 501 of the Cjoint Law Office 201, B, as to the borrowed principal, 100 million won of the borrowed principal owed to the Defendant (hereinafter “instant notarial deed”).

(C) In order to ensure the performance of the above loan obligations, the Defendant transferred the ownership of five of the “Sk Star Co., Ltd. 2688” machines owned by B and five of the “Skone Star Co., Ltd. 3200m/m” machines owned by B at the time of the instant establishment to the Defendant by means of an alteration of possession. D. The Defendant’s attachment of the instant machines and the Plaintiff’s compulsory execution decision 1).
