본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 청주지방법원 2016.03.24 2015가합22356
정정보도 등

1. All of the plaintiff's claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Plaintiff was a former head of the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation BE (hereinafter “BE”) under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and C was a woman working as a contractual worker in the BEE.

C On April 2, 2015, while serving in the B Project Association, the Plaintiff filed a civil petition with the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation on the following grounds: (a) the Plaintiff made a character and toxicity speech and sexual harassment speech; and (b) the Plaintiff filed a civil petition.

In the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation, from April 8, 2015 to the 10th of the same month, the audit was conducted, and on April 21, 2015, the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation took a disciplinary measure against the Plaintiff for one month suspended from office (hereinafter “instant disciplinary measure”).

B. As to the instant case, the Defendant made a broadcast report with the following contents (hereinafter “the first broadcast report of this case”).

EF Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has revealed that the former head of the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has habitually committed sexual harassment against non-regular female workers at the time of service.

Cheongju City, the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation located in G. B.

By the beginning of this year, the female employees who had been in charge of the B Business Department head of the B Business Department were habitually sexual harassment.

The head of the former agency has habitually committed sexual harassment on the basis of extension of the contract at the time of service, and the damaged women suffering from mental pain eventually sent a letter of apology.

Since February of the past year, the C aspects that have been in charge of general affairs have received serious sexual harassment from the head of A.

- 성희롱 피해자(인터뷰): “귓속말로 사귀자고, 그땐 더 심하게 그랬다니까요. 집에 와서 밥하라고 하고 숙소와서 살림하라고 했어요.” A단장은 자신의 수영복 사진을 보여주며 “벗은 몸이 더 낫다.”고 말하는 등 C양을 방으로 불러 문을 닫은 채 4시간 동안 희롱했습니다.

- A sexual harassment victim(s) : An interview whose ice mining is important.

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