본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2014.07.16 2013가합7060

1. The plaintiff's primary and conjunctive claims are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. 기초사실 송금일 송금액수 비고 2013. 3. 15. 47,500,000 원고의 농협 계좌(D, 갑 제1호증의 2) 이용거래 2013. 3. 22. 10,000,000 2013. 3. 22. 10,000,000 2013. 3. 28. 5,000,000 2013. 4. 19. 10,000,000 2013. 5. 13. 2,000,000 2013. 6. 6. 5,000,000 2013. 6. 14. 5,000,000 2013. 6. 20. 750,000 2013. 6. 21. 5,000,000 2013. 6. 29. 3,000,000 2013. 7. 5. 3,000,000 2013. 7. 18. 9,500,000 2013. 3. 28. 5,000,000 원고의 농협 계좌(E, 갑 제1호증의 1) 이용거래 2013. 4. 18. 10,000,000 2013. 4. 18. 10,000,000 2013. 4. 18. 10,000,000 2013. 4. 18. 10,000,000 2013. 4. 18. 10,000,000 2013. 4. 19. 10,000,000 2013. 5. 2. 3,000,000 2013. 5. 5. 10,000,000 2013. 5. 7. 10,000,000 2013. 5. 7. 5,000,000 2013. 5. 17. 5,000,000 2013. 6. 21. 10,000,000 2013. 7. 7. 5,000,000 2013. 7. 28. 3,000,000 합계 231,750,000

A. From March 15, 2013 to July 18, 2013, the Plaintiff transferred the sum of KRW 231,750,000 (hereinafter “the instant money”) to the National Bank Account under the name of the Defendant (C; hereinafter “instant account”) as follows:

(2) On March 1, 2013, the amount of remittance to 1,000,00,00 on April 24, 2013, 200 on May 14, 2014, 200,50,00 on May 1, 2013; 1,50,000 on June 3, 2013; 1,00,00 on June 3, 2013; 1,00,00 on June 3, 20, 200; 1,00,00,00 on June 3, 20, 205; 1,00,00,00 on June 1, 20, 200; 1,50,00 on June 1, 200, 200; 18,50,000 on June 15, 2013;

B. From March 27, 2013 to July 40, 2013, the sum of KRW 54,450,000 was deposited from the instant account to the Plaintiff’s Agricultural Cooperative (D).

[Ground of recognition] The fact that there is no dispute, Gap's 1, 4, and Eul's 4 (including each number in the case of additional numbers), the purport of the whole pleadings

2. Judgment on the main defense of this case

A. The defendant is not a party to the contract of this case since the plaintiff's husband F and the defendant's husband G.
