본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2018.01.18 2017가합50084
대여금 반환 등 청구의 소

1. Defendant G Co., Ltd.:

A. Plaintiff Sejong Construction Co., Ltd. amounting to KRW 200,000,000 and KRW 50,000,000 among the said money.


1. Basic facts

A. 1) Defendant E (former trade name: F. F. hereinafter “Defendant E”)

(1) Defendant E’s representative director I and Defendant G Co., Ltd. (former trade name: H. hereinafter “Defendant G”)

) On April 25, 2013, J, the actual representative of Defendant G, is a plot of land outside Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Gwangju, and 62 (hereinafter “instant project site”).

) Development Project (hereinafter referred to as “instant Project”)

2) With respect to a business agreement (hereinafter referred to as “the first agreement of this case”)

The main contents of the agreement are as follows. Defendant E and I (hereinafter “A”) and Defendant G or J (hereinafter “B”) enter into an agreement (hereinafter “this Agreement”) with respect to the development project of the Seo-gu Kwon (hereinafter “project site”) in Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Gwangju (hereinafter “instant project site”). Article 1(1) of the Agreement aims to sell the project site to B, to carry out the planned project site, and to clarify the rights and obligations between B. Article 2 (Business Site and Relations) ① The project site is the land owned by the Seo-gu, Seo-gu, and the land owned by Defendant E, 035.01, 1,689.7, 224.15, 105, 659, 108, and 608, and 300,000,000,000,000 won for the purpose of promoting the project site, and the building site and the building site are to be paid by the joint investors (hereinafter “A”).

(2) An applicant for authorization and permission shall be under the name of defendant E, and bear all expenses directly for authorization and permission, and Eul shall provide support for authorization and permission and necessary documents, and Gwangju Metropolitan City and Seo-gu land.
