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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 목포지원 2020.03.27 2019고단548

1. Imprisonment with prison labor for 4 months and 1 year, Defendant C, D, E, F, G, and I shall be punished by imprisonment for 8 months and Defendant H.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Power] On July 30, 2019, Defendant A was sentenced to six months of imprisonment for occupational embezzlement and one year of suspended execution at the Gwangju District Court on July 30, 2019 and the judgment became final and conclusive on August 7, 2019.

【Criminal Facts】

1. Defendant A is a representative of L limited liability company located in the former Yong-Gun JK Shipbuilding from May 1, 201 to December 7, 2017, who was engaged in the payment of national pension contributions and health insurance premiums after deducting the national pension contributions and health insurance premiums from the wages of employees belonging to the said company.

On February 2, 2017, the Defendant embezzled 7,92,700 won of the total amount of health insurance premiums of 68 victims from February 2, 2017 to October 2017, as shown in the attached Table of Crimes (1) and (2), including the deduction of 85,50 won as the national pension premiums from the victim’s wage, which is a limited liability company L company’s employee, without paying it to the National Pension Insurance Corporation, and then embezzled 7,92,700 won of the total amount of health insurance premiums of 71 victims from around December 2016 to June 2018.

2. Defendant B is the representative of the limited liability company N located in the Jeonnam-gun JK Shipbuilding from July 7, 2008, who was engaged in the duty of paying the national pension contributions and health insurance premiums after deducting the national pension contributions and health insurance premiums from the wages of workers belonging to the above company.

On February 2, 2017, the Defendant: (a) deducted KRW 58,500 as the national pension premium from the victim’s O, who is a worker N of a limited liability company, and embezzled KRW 187,273,630 from February 2, 2015 to May 2018, the Defendant arbitrarily used and embezzled KRW 181,89,60, total health insurance premium of KRW 180, the victims from July 2016 to June 2018.

3. Defendant C is transferred to and from around 2013.
