본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원천안지원 2020.10.30 2018가합100789

The plaintiffs' claims against the defendants are dismissed in entirety.

The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the plaintiffs.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Plaintiff 1) is the party to the dispute. The Plaintiff 1 is the deceased K (Death on January 19, 2018, hereinafter “the deceased”).

Plaintiff B, and C are the deceased’s children. (2) Defendant D, E, G, and F are those who jointly operate the M Hospital located in the West-gu L in Y in Yancheon-si, and Defendant H is the emergency medical doctor of M Hospital.

3) Defendant Educational Foundation I (hereinafter “Defendant I”)

) An O hospital located in Dong-gu, Nam-gu N (hereinafter referred to as “O hospital”) in Yananan-si.

(B) Defendant J is a juristic person operating a corporation, and Defendant J is a medical doctor in the emergency department of an O hospital. (B) On December 2, 2017, the Deceased’s 1) the Deceased complained of two copies and flags, etc., and applied to the emergency department of a M Hospital at around 16:30 on December 2, 2017. Defendant H, who was at the time of the emergency department, administered the amount and flag control to the Deceased, sent brain CT photography to the Deceased, and caused the Deceased to do so.

2) Defendant H did not have any error in brain CT photographing results, and the Deceased got out of rest, and the symptoms were frighted, and returned home. 3) Defendant G, a medical specialist in the department of brain images of the Hospital, read on December 4, 2017 that there was no particular error in the brain CT photographing images of the Deceased.

C. 1) The Deceased’s symptoms, such as parassis, continue to exist even after the time, and thereafter, the Deceased was inside the emergency room of the O Hospital on December 3, 2017, which is the following day. 2) The Deceased informed the Defendant, who was a physician in an emergency room at the time, that he had been living in the M Hospital due to parassis before the J, and the Defendant J conducted a blood examination to the Deceased.

3) As a result of the blood examination, the Deceased was judged to be acute infection, and the symptoms were frightened after the therapy, and returned home. D. After the end, the Deceased was frightened to symptoms, and lived normally. On December 29, 2017, the Deceased reported to 119 of the 119, while he was locked, due to extreme frightening and frightening during diving around 00:20 on December 29, 2017, and was frighten while waiting 119.

2 The Deceased shall be a P Hospital.
