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텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원군산지원 2015.04.23 2014가합10665
구상금 및 사해행위취소

1. Defendant A, B, and C jointly and severally with the Plaintiff KRW 687,980,696 and KRW 126,313,963 among them, from March 13, 2014;


1. Claim for compensation prohibition against Defendant A, B, and C:

A. Facts of recognition 1) The Plaintiff is a new global technology venture city (hereinafter “foreign company”).

(2) On February 10, 2014, when the non-party company lost each due date’s interest on loans to a corporate bank, the Plaintiff subrogated the non-party company’s loans to the non-party company as listed below and recovered part of the amount.

On the other hand, the expenses paid by the plaintiff for the preservation of the claim for reimbursement by subrogation are KRW 4,858,439.

(F) On January 19, 204, 144,50,000 corporate bank, the balance of the amount of subrogated for the date of subrogated for the lending bank as of the date of guarantee contract, as of the date of subrogated for the repayment of the amount of subrogated for the lending bank, shall be 136,650,653 10,873 10,336,910 6,056 126,320,019 24, 24, 584,00,000 one bank on December 24, 2009 56,802,238- 238- 556,80,802,238 aggregate,683,122,257 / [Grounds for recognition] The confession of the Defendant B and C (Article 150(3) of the Civil Procedure Act) against the Defendant

B. Accordingly, Defendant A, B, and C are jointly and severally liable to pay to the Plaintiff the amount of KRW 687,980,696 (the balance of loans KRW 683,122,257, and KRW 4,858,439) as to the subrogated principal for a corporate bank ( KRW 126,313,963 ( KRW 136,650,873 - 10,336,910) from March 13, 2014; KRW 56,802,238 of the subrogated principal for a single bank from March 14, 2014 to May 10, 2014; and KRW 20% from the following day to the date of full payment.

2. Claim for the revocation of fraudulent act against Defendant D and E and restitution to its original state;

A. Facts of recognition 1) Defendant A is the real estate listed in the separate sheet 1 and 2 (hereinafter “real estate 1 and 2”).

on December 27, 2013 with regard to the sale and purchase contract with Defendant D (hereinafter referred to as “the sale and purchase contract”).
