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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2019.09.26 2019고단3704

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

[Basic Facts] The type of the phishing crime continues to occur in Korea, such as the type of “dispersonation type of public institution,” the type of “dispersonation type of public institution,” the type of “dispersonation type,” the public prosecutor’s office, and the National Police Agency, by misrepresenting the victims into financial institutions, the prosecutor’s office, the police, etc., and the Internet site that misrepresents the victims, and then disseminates malicious programs, etc. to the victims who have access to the above fake Internet site, collecting personal information, and then taking advantage of it.

In recent years, the victim had the victim install a malicious program on the mobile phone using the social network service including B, etc., acquired personal information, such as the phone number of the persons stored in the victim's mobile phone through the above program, and induce the victim to do so, and recorded the victim with such a face as "alleging", "alleging", or "salleging" or "salleging", while inducing the victim to do so, and transmitting the victim with the victim's contact address by "salleging the victim's personal body or self-defacing with his/her contact address." The new type of phishing crime, such as "Internet goods fraud," which receives money, is rapidly increasing.

In order to commit a telecommunications fraud crime, the person under whose name is the general responsibility of the phishing (telecommunications Fraud) criminal organization shall organize various stages of crimes, such as inducements, interim managements, solicitations of passbooks, cash withdrawals, cash transfers, cash transfers, etc., (1) the general responsibility ("C" and "D") shall have an office in a Chinese non-commercial area, and shall exercise overall control over all the crimes, such as the organization management of China and Korea, call center operation, cash withdrawals, cash transfer, etc., through the Eudio page, etc. (2).
