본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원순천지원 2015.02.11 2014가합1028

1. The defendant is paid KRW 500,000,000 from the plaintiffs, and at the same time the defendant is written in the separate list to the plaintiffs.


1. Basic facts

A. The plaintiff A is a real estate broker, and D is working at the real estate brokerage office.

At present, it is a person who is working as a representative director of a company for real estate-related business, and is known to each other.


A, each of the real estate listed in the separate sheet owned by the Defendant (hereinafter referred to as “each of the instant real estate”), the mother of the Defendant, was indicated as a three-story building on the registry, but the third real estate of this case was indicated as a three-story building on the registry, but it was actually 4th without permission.

In order to purchase B, some of the sales amount was loaned and paid as security each of the instant real estate.

B. On October 25, 2013, the Plaintiffs (i.e., associates) concluded a sales contract with D to purchase each of the instant real estate with the purchase price of KRW 740 million (hereinafter “instant sales contract”) and paid the down payment of KRW 52 million to D.

The contents of the instant sales contract are as follows.

2. The sales amount of KRW 740 million in the terms of the contract shall be paid at the time of the contract and the balance of KRW 688 million in receipt shall be paid until December 5, 2013.

Article 2 (Transfer, etc. of Ownership) The defendant of the seller refers to the purchaser at the same time as the balance of the purchase price is received.

에게 소유권이전등기에 필요한 모든 서류를 교부하고 등기절차에 협력하며, (생략) <특약사항> ① 매도자는 ㉠ 가압류(E), ㉡ 압류(여수시 세무과 301118), ㉢ 여수세무서 부가소득과 8034, ㉣ 근저당 여천농협(제11123)은 잔금지급 전에 해제키로 한다.

(2) The purchaser of the fourth floor (1/2), third floor, and first floor lease contract currently in lease shall be submitted immediately after concluding a contract.

(3) Where a lessee and a purchaser become aware of a re-contract, the purchaser shall terminate the contract and the seller shall do so without premium.
