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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 서부지원 2018.03.22 2017고단790

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

"2017 Highest 790"

1. The Defendant, at around 13:00 on May 2, 2017, sent a mobile phone to the victim C (Woo, 39 years old) who was waiting for the crosswalk signal, waiting for the crosswalk signal in order to cut the way in front of the Southern church located at the center of 262, the center of the city of Yagu, Busan, Busan, and the Defendant started to look at the victim C (Woo, 39 years old) who was waiting for the crosswalk signal.

The victim's ambly ice, and the victim's amblock, so far as possible, assaulted the victim's amblock.

2. On May 2, 2017, the Defendant interfered with the performance of official duties, at around 13:15, the Defendant died of the police officers assigned to E (V, 24) who was dispatched to the site after receiving a report at around 112 at the same place.

The police officer interfered with legitimate execution of duties concerning the handling of reported cases, etc. by assaulting the 112 police officers, such as intending to walk a sloping bridge while driving along the above E, and intending to see the sprink, sprink, sprink, and sprinking the face.

"2017 Highest 1117"

1. On November 18, 2016, the victim F and the Defendant assaulted victims, such as the victim F and G, when the victim F are boomed with a sound of the victim’s mobile phone character, and the victim F (17 years of age)’s left side her own drinking, one time, and the victim G (19 years of age) who continuously display his/her arms at the end of his/her arm’s length, on November 18, 2016, when the victim G (19 years of age) faces his/her arms.

2. On November 18, 2016, the Defendant assaulted the Victim I with the victim I (54 years old) on November 13:50, 2016, on the way in front of the Southern church of 262, the center of the Singu in Busan, Busan, and on the way in which the victim I (54 years old), “The way is walked equally.”

“The victim’s face was taken one time by drinking, and the victim was bleeped at one time by drinking the victim’s neck and assaulted the victim by drinking the victim’s head on two consecutive occasions by drinking the victim’s neck.

3. The Defendant, as indicated in paragraph 2, assaults the victim at the same time and place as indicated in paragraph 2, and subsequently, tried to flee and the victim reported 112 and drive away from the Defendant.
