본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 진주지원 2013.12.18 2013고단1233


B shall be punished by a fine of 300,000 won.


B If the above fine is not paid, 50,000 won.


Punishment of the crime


B, around 23:00 on August 12, 2013, at the Dinna City Information Center located in Jinju-si, the victim Gap, who was the denied victim Eul who was found to have been off and accumulated together with clothes of Defendant B and E, was flading and towing the head debt of Defendant B, leading the victim's head debt, leading the victim's head debt, leading the victim's head debt, and flading it by assaulting the main and telegraph for approximately 14 days by assaulting the main and telegraph, thereby causing injuries, such as the flabing of the ice part, the flabing of the right side, the damage of the ice part, the flabing part, the glabing part, the flabing part, the ging part, the glabing part.

Summary of Evidence (Defendant B)

1. Defendant B’s legal statement

1. The suspect interrogation protocol of the defendant A by the police;

1. A written diagnosis of injury;

1. Application of each of the Acts and subordinate statutes to photographs (Defendant B);

1. Relevant Article of the Criminal Act and Article 257 (1) of the Criminal Act concerning the selection of penalties;

1. Articles 70 and 69 (2) of the Criminal Act for the detention of a workhouse;

1. The dismissal part of the prosecution under Article 334 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Act

1. Around 23:00 on December 23, 2013, the summary of the facts charged against Defendant A: (a) observed that he/she was off and she was off his/her husband and the victim B (age 46) and clothes, and she was able to get off and take off his/her husband and the victim B (age 46) and his/her clothes, and (b) led the victim’s head, leading him/her, and assaulted about 10 times the telegraph by drinking and shot.

2. The judgment is the case falling under Article 260(1) of the Criminal Act, which cannot be prosecuted against the express will of the victim pursuant to Article 260(3) of the Criminal Act.

However, according to the contents of the submitted agreement, the victim can recognize the fact that he/she withdraws his/her wish to punish the defendant A on September 2, 2013, which was after the prosecution of this case. Thus, the prosecution against the defendant A is dismissed pursuant to Article 327 subparagraph 6 of the Criminal Procedure Act.
