A Imprisonment with prison labor for two years, and for one year and ten months, respectively.
25,000,000 won from each of the Defendants.
Punishment of the crime
If members of F, G, and H transfer money to the accounts operated at the above site, the Defendants charged the same amount of cyber money, and if they receive the result of betting on the success or result of the domestic and foreign sports game, they would have the cyber money exchanged and paid by multiplying the ratio of distribution to the cyber money, and if they would select one of the two, they would have lost cyber money as if they would choose one of the two, and gain profit from the cyber money acquired and paid in money according to the result of the betting. The Defendants would have the aforementioned cyber money deposited to the above cyber game, and the Defendants would have the overall role of creating, managing, operating, preparing offices, and seek a person to exercise overall control over the above cyber money. GH and the above cyber money deposited to the users by using the above cyber money.
From December 16, 2016 to May 17, 2017, the Defendants recruited members of the Jeju J building 101 Dong and Vietnam, joining the said I website, and transferred the results to members of the said I website to the new bank L(M) account, which is the operation account of the said I website, totaling KRW 1,890,175,247, totaling KRW 34,086,50,000 to the national bank N(O) account, and KRW 1,924,261,747. After receiving KRW 1,924,261,747 from December 16, 2016 to May 17, 2017, the Defendants deposited KRW 1,89,175,247 in total with the national bank N(O) account, and then transferred the results to the members of the Korea Sports Game to receive the betting.
Accordingly, the Defendants conspired with H, F, and G as above.