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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2015.06.04 2015고단2033

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

On May 15, 2009, the Defendant was sentenced to five years by the Busan District Court for a violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes, etc. on March 15, 2014, and the same criminal record was seven times more than the completion of the sentence in the Busan Correctional Institution.

1. On April 1, 2015, at around 05:00, the Defendant returned to the telecomcing of the victim D’s operation in Busan Seo-gu, Busan, the Defendant: (a) opened a guest room reading room; (b) opened the guest room reading room without correction; and (c) intruded into the telecomcing room through a door that may have been opened for theft; and (d) reported that the employees shouldered.

2. On April 1, 2015, at around 05:00, the Defendant: (a) confirmed that an employee was by intrusion into the telecom, and returned to the telecom, by means of a door opened in the Gcom in Busan City F, the Defendant opened a guest room of 607, which was not corrected from the time when the Defendant was carrying the guest room reading room; (b) went back to the telecom; and (c) took the victim H-owned cash of 200,000 won, which was located on the part of the consignee’s wall.

3. The Defendant, upon intrusion upon the method described in paragraph 2 at the date, time, and place described in paragraph 2, went back to the telehallway, opened a door door of 308, which was not corrected, and 100,000 won in cash owned by the victim I, which was located on the wall inside the guest room.

4. The Defendant invaded upon the method described in paragraph (2) at the time, place, and place described in paragraph (2) and returned to the telehallway, opened a door of 502 guest rooms, which was not corrected, and followed the victim J's draft of 200,000 won in cash owned by the victim and cut down the wall. The Defendant committed theft with one hand log of 80,000 won in market price and one hand log of 80,000 won in cash owned by the victim.

5. On April 1, 2015, around 05:30 on April 1, 2015, the Defendant came to reach the victim K management in Busan Seo-gu.
