본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원통영지원 2016.08.11 2015가단23993

1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. On September 24, 2010, the Defendant completed the registration of ownership transfer on the first floor No. 102 (84.806 square meters of steel reinforced concrete structure, hereinafter “instant real estate”) of Changwon District Court, Changwon District Court, the registration office (hereinafter “large registry office”) on September 24, 2010, as the receipt No. 41656, August 25, 2010, based on the sale price (140,000 won of transaction price) of the first floor of the building C, the Defendant completed the registration of ownership transfer.

B. From October 20, 2010, the Defendant has operated a family childcare center (19 persons) under Article 10 subparag. 5 of the Infant Care Act (19 persons) under the name of D childcare center (hereinafter “child care center in this case” (hereinafter “child care center”) in the real estate in this case.

C. From March 2, 2011 to May 12, 2014, the Defendant registered Dong Dong Dong E as a child care teacher of the instant child care center.

On March 5, 2013, the Defendant accepted the FIN (Seoul G, the president of the kindergarten, the Defendant’s mother; hereinafter “the instant fish driving school”) and registered B as a teacher from March 5, 2013 to April 8, 2014.

E. From March 2013, the Plaintiff had been working as a child care teacher at the instant childcare center (the Plaintiff’s child H also serve as a financial resource for the instant childcare center). Meanwhile, on the other hand, on January 21, 2014, the Plaintiff received a civil petition from the instant childcare center to operate the instant school bus as a vehicle for the instant childcare institute (hereinafter “instant civil petition”).

G. On February 2, 2014, the Plaintiff entered into a contract with the Defendant to take over the instant childcare center amounting to KRW 240 million (hereinafter “instant contract”).

H. On February 12, 2014, the macro-market issued a corrective order for the instant civil petition to the Defendant.

I. On March 2014, the Plaintiff acquired the instant fish driving school from the Defendant in the amount of KRW 80,000 from the Defendant.

(j) On March 10, 2014, the parents of child-care centers of the instant case, at the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s reporting center for inconvenience in the use of child-care centers, regarding insurance management, cash receipts, and the president’s English private teaching institute teachers
