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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2020.06.16 2019고단3987


A Imprisonment with prison labor for six months and for four months, respectively.

However, this judgment is delivered against Defendant A.


Punishment of the crime

No one may intermediate a third party's communications or provide it for a third party's communications using telecommunications services provided by a telecommunications business operator.

An officer of the organization that takes up the general book C (one-name 'one-name 's mobile phone') calls to prepare an overall operating office in a place designated by the Philippines, open a mobile phone, sell telephone financial fraud (one-name 'one-name 's licenseing') criminal organization, etc. and make profits therefrom, puts an advertisement in which the phone name is recruited, and provide information collected to E and F, a general book of the organization, E, and F, the information of the nominal owner, who are the vice book of the organization. After opening the large phone using the information of the nominal owner, E, who takes the role of transmitting the large phone to the place designated by the F, “The above-mentioned large phone is sold to the telephone financial fraud organization, etc.”

1. Defendant A received a proposal from the male and female job-friendly H to prepare a mobile phone membership application using personal information of the nominal owner of the said organization, and subsequently conspired to participate in the said crime in order to accept the proposal, and to participate in the said act as the “component distribution organization” of the said largephone.

He received the personal information from the nominal owner who was transferred from the solicitation book on his name in accordance with the above solicitation as above, shall deliver it to the Defendant, and the Defendant continued to prepare an application for pre-paid mobile phone subscription in the name of K in the name of the Incheon Gyeyang-gu International Officetel J around June 29, 2018 and run the mobile phone operator's mobile phone application in the name of K, and as shown in the attached list of crimes (A).
