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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 안동지원 2018.01.10 2016가단22431

1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. The following facts may be found either as a dispute between the parties or as a whole in light of the purport of the entire pleadings in Gap evidence Nos. 1 to 4 (including each number).

The Plaintiff entered into three insurance contracts with the Defendant with the following contents:

1) The date of concluding an insurance contract: The insurance contract period between June 4, 2015 and June 4, 2015: (b) the insured worker and beneficiary; (c) the insured worker: (e) the insurance contract period from June 4, 2015 to June 4, 2062: (e) the amount of KRW 30 million when the insured worker died; (ii) the insured worker and beneficiary who paid-free dividends of KRW 1507 (Ga: (c) the insured worker: B (D): the insured worker from August 7, 2015 to August 7, 2062: 10 million when the insured worker died; and (e) the insured policyholder from June 4, 2015 to June 4, 206: (e) the insurance contract period from 00 million to 150,000 won when the insured worker dies; (e) the insurance contract period of KRW 200,000 to 25,000; (b) the insured policyholder 2501.5 (2.25.25) the beneficiary;

B was found to have died in his house on February 14, 2016, and at the time of the discovery, it was judged to have passed one week from the date of death.

2. The parties' assertion

A. As the Plaintiff’s insured Party B (hereinafter “the deceased”) died of disease, the Defendant, as stipulated in each of the above insurance contracts, is obligated to pay the Plaintiff, a beneficiary, a total of KRW 168 million (=30 million + KRW 10 million + KRW 66 million + KRW 56 million).

B. For the following reasons, the defendant is not obligated to pay insurance proceeds to the plaintiff.

1) Since the Deceased did not consent to each of the above insurance contracts, each of the above insurance contracts is null and void.
