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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2016.02.04 2015고단3158

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

A defendant is sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for a special larceny at the Busan District Court on January 13, 1973; two years of imprisonment with prison labor for a special larceny at the Seoul District Court on April 10, 197; three years of imprisonment with prison labor for a habitual larceny at the Seoul Central District Court on October 27, 1981; two years of imprisonment with prison labor for a habitual larceny at the Seoul Central District Court on December 20, 191; 10 months of imprisonment with prison labor for a larceny; 2.6 months of imprisonment with prison labor for a prison labor at the same time on September 20, 201; 1.6 months of imprisonment with prison labor for a fine at the same time on June 23, 2008; 3.6 months of imprisonment with prison labor for a larceny at the same time on September 20, 201; and 1.6 months of imprisonment with prison labor for a fine at least KRW 10,000,000,00.

1. On December 20, 2015, the Defendant invadedd a structure with a view to cutting down goods into “E” stores operated by the victim D on the first floor of the Magnam-si, Magnam-si, Magnam-si, Magnam-si, with a view to cutting down goods.

2. The Defendant habitually stolen the victim’s property at the time and place described in paragraph 1, and at the same time and place, the cash amounting to KRW 470,00,000 owned by the victim who had been in the said carper, and the wallets containing a credit card.

(i) the evidence;
