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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.04.20 2017고단6112

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for a year and April and a fine of 15 million won.

The defendant does not pay the above fine.


Punishment of the crime

[2017 Highest 6112] The Defendant is a business owner who operates commercial sex acts in officetels under the trade name of “D”.

From June 14, 2017 to June 30, 2017, the Defendant: (a) leased Seocho-gu Seoul Etel 1406; (b) employed an employee of a female sexual traffic, including F; (c) advertised a commercial sex business establishment through “G”, “H”, etc.; and (d) enticed a male buyer to “G” through “O”, “J”, etc., of smartphone fluoring fluoring,” thereby inducing sexual buyers to engage in sexual intercourse with the male buyer; and (c) provided guidance to the above officetel, waiting for female sexual buyers, etc., who are waiting for sexual traffic and employed in advance, to purchase sexual intercourse with the male buyer.

[2018 Highest 1285]

1. Violation of the Act on the Punishment, etc. of Arrangement, etc. of Commercial Sex Acts (or brokerage, etc. of commercial sex acts), the Defendant, along with his/her name and influence, conspired to operate an officetel commercial sex business establishment with a trade name named “L”, and from September 2017

9. From the date of October 19:40, an officetel was leased as a commercial place, such as Seocho-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government M 305, Ntel 1406, Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government Ntel 205, and Seocho-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government Otel 205, and then, the Internet website’s advertisement report is made and the contact is made to receive KRW 1.50,000 to 30,000 from the sexual purchasing men who are unable to know the names of the contact, and then, the said office room provides the sex purchasing women with the above sexual purchasing women, who are employed in advance, to have sexual intercourse with the above sexual purchasing women once or twice.

Accordingly, the defendant conspiredd with the name infinites and arranged sexual traffic for business.

2. A person who violates the Educational Environment Protection Act shall aim at protecting the health, sanitation, safety, learning and educational environment of students;
