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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 공주지원 2017.02.09 2016가단20045

1. Of each real estate listed in the separate sheet, the Defendant shall pay to Nonparty H, I, and J 5/56 shares, respectively, and to Nonparty K.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. L entered into a sales contract with M on August 24, 1979, setting the sales amount of KRW 6,300,000 with respect to real estate including real estate listed in the separate sheet (hereinafter “instant real estate”), and paid M in full the sales amount. From that time, L occupied and managed the instant real estate.

B. L was killed on November 10, 1985 and became L’s heir, N(6/28) andO(1/28) who is his spouse, A(1/28), Plaintiff B(1/28), Plaintiff C (1/28), Defendant (6/28), Plaintiff D(4/28), Plaintiff E(4/28), and F(4/28) who died on December 19, 208, and became L’s heir. D was deceased on December 19, 208, Q, R, and SO’s heir, P and his spouse, Q, R, and S, who were the spouse. C. The Defendant should have obtained the agreement with N on March 24, 2009 with the Plaintiff’s certificate of the personal seal impression and M/O’s inherited property while cultivating the real property in this case, and obtained the agreement with N on March 24, 2009.

(D) The above seal imprinted each of the above seal imprints. D. Based on the agreement on division of the inherited property of this case, the Defendant filed a lawsuit against H, I, J, and K, the heir of the deceased deceased deceased M on May 8, 1989. The above court rendered a judgment on September 3, 2009 as to the Defendant’s share of H, I, J, and J among the instant real property, with respect to H, J, and H, I, and J, as to the Defendant’s share of 10/60 of the instant real property, and K, on August 24, 1979, with respect to the share of 30/60 of the instant real property, the judgment (209Da1800, and the above judgment became final and conclusive at that time.

On November 16, 2009, the Defendant completed the registration of ownership transfer on the instant real estate on the basis of the above judgment.

E. N As of July 3, 2015, P, Q, R, and S, the heir of the networkO, will be the heir of N, and Plaintiff A, B, C, Defendant, Plaintiff E, and F will become N.
