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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 통영지원 2015.06.19 2014고단1178

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] On January 4, 2010, the Defendant was sentenced to a fine of KRW 1,50,000 to a violation of the Road Traffic Act (driving) in the Changwon District Court’s through the Changwon District Court on January 4, 2010, and a fine of KRW 1,50,000 for the same crime in the same court on March 9, 2012.

【Criminal Facts】

1. Around 04:20 on September 6, 2014, the Defendant was driving a DNAS car in the state of alcohol alcohol by approximately 5km from the area of about 0.214% in the direction of the bus terminal located in the Gosung-gun, Gosung-gun, Gosung-gun to the road front of the bus terminal located in the same military screen on the same line.

2. The Defendant in violation of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Settlement of Traffic Accidents is a person who is engaged in driving a DNA car.

On September 6, 2014, at around 04:20, the Defendant driven the said car with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.214%, and proceeded with about 60 km each other at a speed, depending on two-lanes from the west-Eup to the Chang-si, the national highway No. 14, in front of the bus terminal, which is located in the string of the Gosung-gun Schan-gun screen.

At the time, at night and where a signal apparatus was installed, there was a duty of care to safely drive the vehicle, such as reducing speed to those engaged in driving service, securing a safe distance to avoid collision when the preceding vehicle stops, and keeping the right and the right and the right and the right and the right and the right and the right and the right are well considered.

Nevertheless, under the foregoing circumstances, the Defendant discovered that the Fpoter Cargo of the Victim E (Seoul, 58) drive prior to the direction of the Defendant’s running due to occupational negligence in which the Defendant was negligent in driving a stroke while driving a stroke in the front of the front of the front of the front of the front of the rear, and was immediately driven by the driver’s vehicle stop according to the stop signal. However, the Defendant was unable to avoid the situation, and received the rear part of the victim’s cargo loaded in front of the passenger vehicle.

Ultimately, the Defendant is the above.
