본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 경주지원 2017.10.11 2016고정57


A, L, N,O, P, and Q are punished by fine of 2,50,00 won, Defendant B, I, K, and M are punished by fine of 1,00,000,000 won, Defendant C, and D.


Punishment of the crime

At the time of the instant case, Defendant A was the General Federation of the Korean Democratic Trade Union (hereinafter referred to as the “Private Union Federation”).

The head of the V District Office of Metal Trade Union W was the head of the V District Office, and the defendant B was the head of the V District General Trade Union W of the V District.


S, Defendant C, Defendant X, Defendant X, Defendant D, Defendant E, Defendant F, Defendant G, Defendant H and Z, X, and Y were members of the Civil Labor Union AA of the General Trade Union of V in the private labor area.


I was a member of the NAB AB branch, and the defendant J was a member of the NAV Regional Headquarters AC member of the NA.


L was the chairman of the labor union of the general headquarters V regional headquarters, and the defendant M was the act of the chairman of the labor union V regional headquarters headquarters W of the labor union and the defendant M was the act of the chairman of the labor union.


N was a member of the civil labor union WD branch headquarters W WD branch headquarters, and the defendantO was a member of the civil labor union V branch W AE branch headquarters.


P was a member of the civil labor union WW branch AF branch headquarters W in V, and Defendant Q was a member of the civil labor union AG of the general labor union.


R was the president of the non-permanent V regional headquarters of metal labor union W AH branch.

AI was the head of the NNV regional headquarters W, and the AJ was the vice-chairperson of V general trade union and the head of AB chapter.

AK (81years) was the head of the NA-General Labor Union W branch of the NA-General Labor Union, and AL was the head of the NA-General V Regional Headquarters W.

NN was the head of the non-permanent V local headquarters metal labor union AD branch, and AO was the member of the non-permanent V local headquarters W AE branch of the metal labor union.

AP(82years) was a member of the metal labor union AE branch of the Civil Labor Group V regional headquarters, and AP was a member of the People's General V regional headquarters W AE branch of the Civil Labor Group V branch.

AR was the head of the NA branch AE branch AES branch, and ATR was the head of the NAV regional headquarters W WW branch AU office in the NAV regional headquarters.

AV was a member of the public-private partnership V regional headquarters WH in metal labor, and AW was a member of the public-private partnership V regional headquarters W W in metal labor union AX-gu branch of the metal labor union.

AY AY is a metal labor union at the regional headquarters of the No. V.
