본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2013.08.23 2011고합165


A due to the tax evasion of the year 2006 in decision 2006 on Defendant B, three years of imprisonment and fine of KRW 7.9 billion.


Punishment of the crime


B On November 23, 2007, the Seoul High Court sentenced 1 year of imprisonment with prison labor and 2 years of suspended execution for violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (joint conflict) at the Seoul High Court, and the judgment became final and conclusive on December 1, 2007.

1. Facts of premise;

A. During the process of the AC private house project, AC private house establishment was obtained in the name of "AE Incorporated AF (representative AD)" around May 16, 1995 after the AC private house establishment was made in the name of "AE Incorporated AF (representative AD)", and around June 13, 1995 after the AC private house establishment was made in the name of "AE Incorporated AF (representative AD), and around June 26, 1996, a private house establishment was permitted in the name of "AE Foundation AF (1,715.16 square meters for the establishment of a private house (10,108 square meters for the establishment of a private house). AC establishment was permitted to change the size of a house for the storage of a charnel under the name of AD individual into 5,318.4 square meters for the size of a house, which is a facility for the establishment of a charnel house, into 25,004 square meters for the

Since the investigation record 1746, 3786, 5086, AD continued discontinuance several times due to the lack of construction funds. From February 2, 2005, AD’s “certificate of the establishment of a charnel house” in the 21,833 period was “certificate of the establishment of a charnel house” before February 2, 2005, “certificate of the establishment of a charnel house” is “certificate of the establishment of a charnel house” in the convenience of the payment and payment of construction expenses. Since then, the Defendants agreed to acquire a business from AD and newly issue a charnel house in the process of carrying out a business, the right to purchase a charnel house is “right to purchase a charnel house for convenience.” Since there was no way to additionally raise the construction cost under the pretext of the payment in kind of the construction cost that occurred in the past, it was no longer running a business for the sale of a charnel house.

However, around February 22, 2005, Defendant C and Defendant B, a means of AC company, entered into a contract to purchase all of the AC C C C C C C's business permit and real estate in KRW 6.2 billion and paid the down payment in KRW 300 million, and are the major shareholders of the AI Savings Bank (hereinafter “AI Savings Bank”) and the AJ Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “AJ”) through Defendant E, an owner of the Defendant C, a ship.
