본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 천안지원 2016.02.04 2013고단1191 (1)


AA shall be punished by imprisonment for three months, by a fine of 1,500,000 won.


AD shall be subject to the said fine.


Punishment of the crime

The term "2013 Highest 1191" is a dismissed worker who was disciplined in March 2011 while serving as an employee of the Y company, which is the inside subcontractor of the WX factory, and who was disciplined in March 2011 while serving as an employee of the Z, which is the inside subcontractor of the WX factory, the branch president of the WX factory, B, the head of the above sub-branch site, the defendant AA was disciplined in March 201, while serving as an employee of the ZB, which is the inside subcontractor of the WX factory, and the head of the law and regulations of the above sub-branch, C, the above sub-branch, the employee of the WX factory, the AO, the employee of the AO, the employee of the above sub-branch, the employee of the AO, the employee of the WXMMM, the employee of the AO, the employee of the above sub-branch, the employee of the AO, the employee of the AO, the employee of the above sub-branch, the employee of the W.

X In-house sub-chapters are trade unions organized by in-house subcontractor workers employed by WX factories with in-house subcontracting from WX factories, and require W Company to convert temporary workers into regular workers.

W Co., Ltd. expressed its intention to accept two consecutive teachers in the daytime as required by workers and to convert part of the whole non-regular workers into full-time workers in relation to “the acceptance of two consecutive teacherss in the daytime and the transition of non-regular workers” in 2012. However, even though X, AJ and AK demanded the full-time workers to convert into part of the whole non-regular workers into full-time workers, such as X, AJ and AK.

WX Factory sub-chapters from July 10, 2012

7. Although the acts of dispute by holding a general meeting by November 1, 200 have passed the vote for and against the act of dispute by voting, it did not separately apply for mediation to the Chungcheong Regional Labor Relations Commission;

1. Defendant A and A and B’s refusal to comply with their joint eviction on August 14, 2012.
