1. Defendant D shall pay to each of the Plaintiffs KRW 43,183,190 as well as 15% per annum from May 18, 2018 to the date of full payment.
1. Facts of recognition;
가. 대구 수성구 E 상업ㆍ근린시설(이하 ‘이 사건 상가’이라 한다)에 관하여 피고 넵스키개발 주식회사가 시행사 겸 수익자, 피고 주식회사 대우건설은 시공사, 피고 아시아신탁 주식회사는 분양사업자 겸 수탁자, 피고 주식회사 C은 분양대행사이다
(hereinafter referred to as “stock company” in the name of the company is omitted). (b)
피고 넵스키개발, 대우건설은 2016. 10. 19. C과 이 사건 상가에 관한 분양대행 용역계약(이하 ‘이 사건 분양대행계약’이라 한다)을 체결하였다.
The main contents are as follows:
제2조 (분양대행용역의 범위) ① 병(피고 C임)은 갑(피고 넵스키개발임) 및 을(피고 대우건설임)의 서면에 의한 승낙 없이 제3자에게 분양관련 업무를 재위임할 수 없다.
(2) A shall perform the following duties:
1. All the duties to be performed by the ordering person;
2.(3) The supervision of duties performed by Eul and Byung in connection with the project and decision-making on important matters shall be performed by Eul and Byung:
1. All the affairs to be performed as a contractor;
2. Payment of sales agency fees specified in Article 4 of the present contract;
3. Conclusion of sales contracts, cancellation of sales contracts, and management of sales proceeds.
3. Affairs related to contacters, guidance, product description-related customer service, and occasional transfer of the list of customers to Gap or Eul;
4. Various civil petition solvings which occur during the personnel management, education and sales of the sales personnel and organization employed by sick persons;
5. Business support related to securing of demand in advance, receipt of subscription and conclusion of sales contracts (Conclusion of sales contracts of objects and contracts incidental thereto) (1) Byung shall be limited to the sales business delegated by Eul at a place agreed with Eul for carrying out sales business;
(2) Preparation of a contract for sale, payment for sale, and sale.