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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2019.02.12 2018고단5191

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[2018 Highest 5191]

1. The fraudulent financial fraud criminal organization is composed of an organization in the form of a total book, an investigative agency or financial institution, and an inducement to make a false call to victims, a disguised access to the victims and a disguised access to the victims, such as employees of the Financial Supervisory Service, etc. to collect cash collection measures and cash remittance measures that play the role of remitting the acquired amount to overseas by means of such methods as refunding money, etc.

The name-free boxes ("B") committed the singishing fraud in a successive manner by misrepresenting to the investigator and prosecutor of the prosecutor's office against unspecified victims, and by making phone calls known to the public prosecutor's office, and the Defendant committed the singishing fraud by misrepresenting the staff of the Financial Supervisory Service to act as a cash collection policy that collects cash from the victims.

On September 13, 2018, at least 14:30 on September 13, 2018, the name-free person called the victim C to the public prosecutor's office's office's investigator and the public prosecutor. "It is necessary to confirm whether the party is a victim or a suspect because the name of the party was stolen, and to protect the balance in the new account because the name was stolen, it is necessary to collect money in the account and deliver it to the employee of the Financial Supervisory Service."

However, in fact, the person who was not the investigator or prosecutor was not the investigator or prosecutor, and there was no fact that the account in the victim's name was used for another criminal act

The person under whose name the person under whose name the victim was accused of the victim and caused the victim to withdraw KRW 5,300,000 from the DNA bank account in the name of the victim, and then entices the victim to the front way of the Mapo-gu Seoul Mapo-gu Seoul EF elementary school on the same day at around 15:33 of the same day. The defendant misrepresented the staff of the Financial Supervisory Service in front of the above FF elementary school and received KRW 5,30,000 in cash from the victim from that time.
