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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2019.09.24 2019고단2071

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

The defendant shall obtain money from an applicant for compensation 75 million won and shall do so on December 2019.


Punishment of the crime

[2019 Highest 2071] On November 10, 2017, the Defendant stated that “Around the house of the victim B located in the Dong-gu Busan Metropolitan City, “it is necessary to lend it in trust, and there is sufficient capacity to repay. It is also an apartment and apartment. If a promissory note is issued and a promissory note is to be repaid until July 23, 2018, which is the due date for the payment of the promissory note.”

However, the defendant did not have any intention or ability to pay the money according to the promise even if he did not receive the money from the victim due to no particular income or property.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim as above, issued a promissory note with the face value of KRW 12 million as of July 23, 2018, which was set as of the same day, and received KRW 12 million from the victim, and received KRW 12 million from the victim, and issued six copies of a promissory note with the face value of KRW 75 million in total six times from January 15, 2018, and received KRW 75 million from the victim.

[2019 Highest 3359] On June 1, 2018, the Defendant made a false statement to the victim in the vicinity of the victim E’s house located in Busan High-gu, Busan High-gu, stating that “A child living in Korea is working in the Korea Railroad. A child living in Korea is working in the Korea Railroad. A child working in the Korea Railroad by November 15, 2018, who is located in the Jeju High-gu, Busan High-gu.

However, in fact, the defendant thought that the defendant will engage in the bond business with the money received from the victim, and there was no intention or ability to allow the victim to find employment in the above company.

Around June 14, 2018, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim as such, received eight million won from the victim to the account of F community credit cooperatives in the name of its wife from the victim and received eight million won from the victim.

7.26.The receipt of KRW 3 million at the same account on or around the same date, and the same year;

7. Around 29.29. Around the same account, a total of KRW 13 million was received and acquired through deception.

Summary of Evidence

[2019 Highest2071]

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. B.
