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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 서산지원 2013.03.28 2011고단257

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

Costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

1. Based on the fact that an obligor using a high interest rate loan through private financing is deemed impossible to obtain a loan from a financial institution because his credit rating is low, the Defendant introduced KBD loan and NH employee’s livelihood guarantee loan to an unspecified large number of private financing obligors, which is conducted by the National Bank and Nonghyup for low-income workers or small business operators, etc., and concluded a false statement as if the Defendant made it possible for the Defendant to make a impossible loan through a credit rating manipulation or bank interest connection, and then received the KBD loan and the NH employee’s livelihood guarantee loan, and received 10% to 15% to 15% of the loan.

On August 21, 2009, the Defendant told the victim C to the fifth floor office of the building where it is impossible to know the trade name located in the Changdong of Dobong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Defendant stated that “Although it is impossible to provide original loans, the Defendant changed part of the thesis loans received from the victim C to the fee for the purpose of passing the deliberation of the loan by computerized operation through an employee.”

However, in fact, the Defendant’s loan introduced by the Defendant was a “KB Down loan” and “NH employee’s livelihood guarantee loan” and that only submission of loan-related documents can obtain a loan despite low credit rating, so it did not allow the Defendant to make impossible loans by making a bank employee pay for the loan or temporarily raising credit rating.

Nevertheless, the Defendant made the victim take a loan from the bank designated by him, and made the victim take a loan, and then deposited KRW 1,050,000 on the same day with the national bank account (Account Number D) designated by the Defendant in the name of loan history, and deposited KRW 750,000 in the Agricultural Bank account (Account Number E) on the 27th of the same month.

The defendant in addition to this, knife Nos. 8, 8.
