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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2015.01.15 2014노1153

The prosecutor's appeal is dismissed.


1. According to the evidence submitted by the prosecutor of the gist of the grounds of appeal, the defendant's act identical to the facts charged constitutes the elements of the crime of indecent act by compulsion and the intent of indecent act by compulsion can be acknowledged, but the judgment of the court below which acquitted the victim of the facts

2. Determination

A. On July 10, 2013, the Defendant: (a) around 05:00 on July 10, 2013, committed an indecent act against the victim by coercioning the victim’s her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her

B. In light of the following circumstances, the lower court acquitted the Defendant on the grounds that it is difficult to deem that the Defendant’s act constitutes an indecent act in the crime of indecent act by compulsion or the Defendant’s intentional act by compulsion was proven without reasonable doubt.

(1) At the time, the instant drinking house was an atmosphere in which people had a large amount of music and a large number of people to repair, and the interval between the party room and the victim’s place was not much than one meter, and considering the length of the party room, it was an inconvenience for the Defendant to keep the party room properly.

(2) The victim had been faced with the Guide, and the defendant's flabd's flad's flad's flad's flad's flad's flad's flad's flad's flad's flad's flad's flad's flad's flad's flad's

(3) 피해자는 당구큐대가 닿는 느낌이 들자 즉시 뒤를 돌아보았고 피고인이 피해자에게 비켜달라고 말하였으며, 피해자 역시 원심법정에서 ‘건드린 방식은 어떠했나요. 당구대로 톡톡 친 것인가요.’라는 피고인의 변호인 질문에 대하여 ‘예. 비키라고 친 것입니다.’라고 진술하였다.

C. In the crime of indecent act by compulsion in the judgment of the court, an indecent act is committed.
