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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2013.06.11 2012고단3017

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

except that the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[2012 Highest 3017]

1. Violation of the Music Industry Promotion Act;

(a) Any person who intends to run a singing practice room business without registration shall have the facilities for singing practice room business prescribed by relevant Acts and subordinate statutes registered with the competent authority;

Nevertheless, the defendant does not register with the competent authority on February 27, 2012, and around 23:20 on February 27, 2012, five rooms on the second floor in Seocho-gu Seoul, Seocho-gu, and a summary of video.

The facilities such as five anti-strings, etc. were installed and operated by CY.

(b) No karaoke machine business operator of alcoholic beverages shall sell or provide any alcoholic beverage;

Nevertheless, the defendant sold 10 bottles to three customers, such as D, etc. in the same date, time, singing practice room, 2, and 3 as mentioned in paragraph (1).

(c) No karaoke machine business entity that employs a entertainment loan shall employ any entertainment loan or arrange for such employment;

Nevertheless, the Defendant employed 25,00 won per hour under the condition that E (n, 21 years of age), F (n, 21 years of age), G (n, 15 years of age), and H (n, 15 years of age) at the same time and place as described in Paragraph 1, and caused women to drink with five customers D(22 years of age) or provide entertainment by singing.

2. The owners of establishments harmful to juveniles in violation of the Juvenile Protection Act shall not employ juveniles;

Nevertheless, the Defendant employed a juvenile G (n, 15 years of age) and H (n, 15 years of age) in the instant singing practice room, which is a business establishment harmful to juveniles, at the same time and place as described in paragraph (1).

[2012 Highest 4940]

1. On August 30, 2012, from around 22:00 to around 23:10, the Defendant running a singing practice room business without registering with the competent authorities. From around 22:00 on August 30, 2012 to around 23:10, the Defendant engaged in a singing practice room business by having the studio 5 in the area of about 30 square meters from the Seocho-gu Seoul 2nd floor with the trade name of “Cnonong”, and by having the studio 30 members with three video reflectrs, etc. equipped with a studio 5 in the area of

2. Sales and offer of alcoholic beverages;
