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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2017.06.07 2017고단357

[Defendant A] Imprisonment with prison labor for six months

[Defendant B] The defendant shall be punished by a fine of three million won.



Punishment of the crime

[2017 Highest 357] The Defendants conspired to receive and distribute the insurance money by intentionally causing such a traffic accident using a large degree of fault of the other party when they receive the vehicle following the vehicle in which they walk with changing course.

1. Defendant A, Defendant C, and Defendant E’s joint criminal act (H and I’s joint criminal act) committed with H and I, in collusion with H and I, and in the vicinity of the K located in Seocheon-gu, Seoul on May 23, 2015, Defendant A, Defendant C, Defendant E, Defendant E, the above H, and the above I agreed to share the role of driving a vehicle of sofried in MW, Defendant C, Defendant E, Defendant E, the above-mentioned H, and the above-mentioned I to share the role of the son of the sofriest. Defendant A was found to have changed its course in the future of the sofriest of the said Aburg, and obtained part of the N driver’s vehicle.

Accordingly, in collusion with the above H and the above I, the Defendants filed a claim for insurance money against the victim's malicious damage insurance company, which is an insurance company of the victim's lived car, in collusion with the above H and the above I, and received KRW 7,953,530,530 in total from the victims of the crime at around that time, under the pretext of agreement, as shown in attached Table 1.

2. The Defendants jointly committed the crimes of Defendants A and B (P, Q, and R) in collusion with P, Q, and R on May 4, 2015. On the front day of the 3-dong-U.S. Won-si, Seocheon-si, Seocheon-si, Seoul, the said P intended to share the role of driving a DNA motor vehicle in S, Defendant A, Defendant B, Defendant B, Q, and the said R to share the role of the winners of the said Lord, and the said P got off a vehicle by changing its course in the future of the said Lord, and obtained some part of the P to start a vehicle in U.S.

Accordingly, the Defendants conspired with the above P, Q, and R, but caused a traffic accident intentionally as above, they were the traffic accident caused by negligence, and they led to the car.
