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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2019.06.20 2018고단7023

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

The defendant shall compensate the applicant for damage of KRW 6,500,000,000.



Punishment of the crime

In order to commit a telecommunications fraud crime at the 2018 Highest 7023th [2018 Highest 7023] Financial Fraud (hereinafter referred to as “scam”) organization’s general responsibility, the members of the organization organized various stages such as inducements, management measures, cash collection measures, etc., and the members of the organization belonging to the “inducing measures” represent them as public prosecutors or investigators of Seoul Central Prosecutor’s Office, and induce them to have their phone calls from the victims without delay to check money in the accounts of the victims, and to collect money from the victims so that employees of the Financial Supervisory Service can examine them. The members of the “management measures” shall use the “D” and “E”, and manage each subordinate employee in a functional manner to instruct their employees to commit a specific crime at the cash collection measures, and the Defendant, in the order of deposit of money in the account designated by the Financial Supervisory Service in the order of deposit of money in accordance with the organization management measures.

Accordingly, at around 09:51 on November 2, 2018, an employee in the name misscing light assumes that he himself is an inspector at the bar, and the victim B calls to the victim B to investigate the person F due to the charge of creating a fraudulent crime and a substitute passbook, and the substitute passbook opened under the name of the party was discovered during the substitute passbook. The party is his accomplice and the victim must be confirmed. If the party is kept in the custody of the goods by withdrawing money in the name of the party in order to prove that he is the victim, the employee of the Financial Supervisory Service will return the money if he proves that he is the victim after investigating the fact that he is the victim. The victim is the victim on the same day.
