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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2019.06.11 2019고단720

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

On December 2, 2018, the Defendant received a proposal to the effect that “a loan will be made. In order to obtain a loan, the transaction performance should be accumulated and the credit rating should be enhanced. Doing to deposit money into the new account, the Defendant purchased merchandise coupons with the money, and then will be exempted from our employees.”

On September 2018, the Defendant was aware that, in order to obtain a loan, the account number and physical card of the Defendant’s bank account and the E Bank account were experienced in the police investigation on the wind used for the Bophishing crime, the Defendant was aware that he was using the means of access, such as the other party’s account number or physical card, and then, he was provided with the other party’s account number or physical card, etc. at the Bophishing organization, and then, he was informed that he was using the means of access, such as the other party’s account number or physical card, and then he was informed of the fact that the account number could be used for the deposited purpose or the money was withdrawn and delivered to the other party by allowing the account holder to use it for the deposited purpose or the source of the Defendant’s account is unclear, the Defendant was informed of the Defendant’s account number (G) after accepting the aforementioned proposal of the non-indicted.

On the other hand, on the other hand, an employee under the name of the Bosing Organization related to the above Buddhist entity means, at around December 31, 2018, who falsely assumes the victim H by calling a telephone to provide loans at low interest rates, and falsely assumes the victim H to provide loans at low interest rates, and notifies the Defendant’s above F Bank account as if the Defendant’s existing loan repayment account was an existing loan repayment account, and then receives 33,200,000 won from the victim’s F Bank account on January 2, 2019, and receives 88,000,000 won from the victimJ on January 2, 2019 under the same Act.
