본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2013. 02. 19. 선고 2011가단20696 판결
중복적 소유권보존등기가 경료된 경우에는 뒤에 된 보존등기는 무효임[국패]

If a double-use preservation registration has been made, the preservation registration made after such registration is null and void.


Where a registration of initial ownership has been made differently from the registered titleholder with respect to the same real estate, the registration of initial ownership shall, unless the registration of initial ownership is null and void, be null and void in light of the legal principles of the registration of initial real estate, even if it conforms to the substantive relationship.


2011 Doz. 20696 Registration of cancellation of the establishment of a mortgage




Four National Agricultural Cooperative Federation and others

Conclusion of Pleadings

January 22, 2013

Imposition of Judgment

February 19, 2013


1. The plaintiff, and the plaintiff

A. As to the ancillary movables listed in the separate sheet No. 1 of the Defendant National Agricultural Cooperative Federation and the Defendant Republic of Korea, the Suwon District Court consented to the procedure for the cancellation of registration of cancellation of the ownership transfer registration under the name of Nonparty CB, which was completed by No. 53572 on December 26, 198, with respect to the submovables listed in the separate sheet No. 53572, and

B. Defendant RedCC implements the registration procedure for cancellation of the registration of the establishment registration of the establishment of a neighboring mortgage, which was completed on September 27, 1994, No. 45552, with respect to non-party 1/2 shares of Nonparty CB among the real property listed in the attached list No. 1.

C. The defendant AAFC will implement the procedures, such as cancellation of the registration of creation of a new mortgage, which was completed on June 17, 1996 at each of the above registration offices under paragraph 2 of the Schedule and paragraph 3 of the Schedule, and paragraph 4 of the Schedule, which are linked in sequence to each of the items in the Schedule 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 15, and 15, and 1.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the Defendants.

Purport of claim

The same shall apply to the order.


1. Basic facts

The following facts are found, and between the plaintiff, the defendant, the Republic of Korea, water sources, and redCC, and between Gap evidence 1 to 4, Eul evidence 1 to 2, evidence 2, evidence 3, evidence 1 to 5, evidence 5-1, 2, evidence 6-2, evidence 1, and evidence 7-7, evidence 8-1, and 2, evidence 9-1, and 1, and 2, evidence 9-1 and 10-2, and evidence 1, and evidence 1 and 2 of evidence 10-2, and evidence 1, and between the plaintiff and the defendant National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, and the defendant agricultural cooperatives, are considered to have been led respectively by Article 150 of the Civil Procedure Act.

A. The registration of ownership preservation (hereinafter referred to as the "registration of ownership preservation") was completed in the name of the non-party in the name of the Suwon District Court No. 1558 on January 28, 1930 with regard to the 8 single forest land of 000 OOrisan, Gyeonggi-do for Reduction of and Exemption from the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as the "Masan land"), and the registration of ownership transfer in the name of the non-party in the name of the non-party in the name of the non-party in the name was completed as of August 28, 1930 as of August 28, 1930, and the registration of ownership transfer was completed in the name of the non-party in the name of the non-party in the name of the same registry office as of September 20, 1947.

"나. 그런데 모번지 토지에 관하여 위 같은 등기소 1965. 8. 31. 접수 제39398호로 소 외 이DD 명의의 소유권보존등기(이하후차 보존등기'라고만 한다)가 마쳐졌다.", "다. 한편 ① 모번지토지는 1979. 2. 1.자로 같은 리 산0000 임야 5,445㎡(별지 목록 제1항 기재 토지임, 이하 '이 사건 제1토지'라고만 한다)와 같은 리 산162-3 임야 2,489㎡로 분할되었고,② 위 산000 임야는 같은 날 같은 리 산0000 임야 2,520㎡ 로 등록전환이 된 다음,③ 위 산000은 1980. 12. 12.자로 농지개량사업의 준공으로 같은리 000 답 390㎡(별지 목록 제2항 기재 토지임, 이하 '이 사건 제2토지'라고만 한다), 000 답 600㎡, 000 탑 732 ㎡, 000-7 답 612㎡로 환지되었으며,④ 이어서 위 000-7 토지에서 1996. 10. 22.자로 000-10 답 517㎡가 분할되고, 000-7 토지는 95㎡(별지 목록 제3항 기재 토지임, 이하 '이 사건 제3토지'라고만 한다)만 남았으며, 위 모번지 토지와 무관한 같은 리 000-9 탑 330㎡에서 같은 리 000-11 답 70㎡ 가 분할된 후,⑤ 1996. 12. 24.자로 위 000-5 답 600㎡, 위 000-6 답 732㎡, 위 000-10 답 517㎡및 위 000-11 답 70㎡가 합병 되 어 같은 리 000-5 답 1,919㎡(별지 목록 제4항 기재 토지임)가 되었는바, 별지 목록 제4항 기재 토지 중 모번 지토지에 서 분할되어 나온 위 000-5 답 600㎡, 위 000-6 답 732㎡, 위 000-10 답 517㎡ 부 분은 별지 도면 표시 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 15, 1의 각 점을 차례로 연결한 선내 '「'부분 1,849㎡(이하 이 부분만을 '이 사건 제4토지'라고만 한다)이다.",라. 앞서 본 바와 같이 모번지 토지에 관하여 선차 보존등기가 존재하는 상태에서, 위 후차 보존등기에 기하여 ① 이 사건 제1토지에 관하여논, 위 같은 등기소 1970. 11. 4. 접수 제30412호로 소외 이EE 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐진 후, 1981. 3. 2. 접수 제9961호로 소외 조FF 명의의 소유권이전가등기가 마쳐졌고, 1981. 12. 28. 접수 제 59450호로 소외 조FF 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐졌으며, 이어서 1984. 12. 31. 접 수 제42874호로 소외 염BB 명의의 l소유권이전등기가 마쳐지고, 1987. 5. 13. 접수 제 17086호로 소외 검어진 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐졌으며, 1988. 12. 26. 접수 제 53572호로 소외 염BB, 염GG 명의의 각 1/2지분 소유권이전등기가 마쳐졌고,② 이 사건 제2토지에 관하여는, 위 같은 등기소 1970. 11. 4. 접수 제30412호로 소외 이EE 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐진 후, 1981. 3. 2. 접수 제9961호로 소외 조FF 명의의 소유권이전가등기가 마쳐졌고, 1981. 12. 28. 접수 제59450호로 소외 조FF 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐졌으며, 이어서 1984. 12. 31. 접수 제42874호로 소외 염BB 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐지고, 19906. 4. 22. 접수 제21744호로 소외 여HH 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐졌으며,③ 이 사건 제3토지에 관하여는, 위 같은 등기소 1970. 11. 4. 접수 제30412호로 소외 이EE 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐진 후, 1981. 3. 2. 접수 제9961호로 소외 조FF 명의의 소유권이전가등기가 마쳐졌고, 1981. 12. 28. 접수 제59450호로 소외 조FF 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐졌으며, 이어서 1984. 12. 31. 접수 제42874호로 소외 염BB 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐지고, 1996. 4. 22. 접수 제21744호로 소외 여HH 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐졌으며,④ 이 사건 제4토지에 관하여는, 위 같은 등기소 1970. 11. 4. 접수 제30412호로 마쳐진 소외 이석 행 명의의 소유권이전등기가 그대로 전사된 후, 이에 터잡아 1981. 3. 2. 접수 제9961 호로 소외 조FF 명의의 소유권이전가등기가 마쳐졌고, 1981. 12. 28. 접수 제59450호 로 소외 조FF 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐졌으며, 이어서 1984. 12. 31. 접수 제 42874호로 소외 염BB 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐지고, 1996. 4. 22. 접수 제 21744호로 소외 여HH 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐졌다.

E. However, among the land No. 1 of this case, the registration of provisional attachment of Defendant National Agricultural Cooperative Federation was completed on May 25, 1995 by the above registry office No. 26628, and the attachment registration of Defendant Republic of Korea was completed on May 20, 1998 by the above registry office No. 32394, and the registration of participation in attachment of Defendant Suwon-si was completed on December 16, 1998 by the receipt of the above registry office No. 77783, and on September 27, 1994 by the above registry office No. 4552.

F. In addition, with respect to the land No. 2, and the land No. 3 and the land No. 4 of this case, each of the above registry offices was completed by Defendant AAF as of June 17, 1996, as of June 17, 1996.

2. Judgment on the ground of the Plaintiff’s claim

A. Where a registration of initial ownership has been made in duplicate because the registered titleholder was different for the same real estate, the registration of initial ownership shall be null and void in light of the legal principles of the first registration form for one real estate even if it conforms to the substantive relationship, and such legal principles shall also apply to the case where the registered titleholder of initial ownership registration acquired the ownership of the relevant real estate in original condition (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decision 93Da20177, Sept. 20, 1996; 93Da20177, 20184, etc.).

B. In light of these legal principles, the above facts were examined, and the following facts are found as follows. After the above DoD's preservation registration in the above Doz land, which is the basis of division, registration conversion, and replotting of the land of this case 1, 2, 3, and 4, the subsequent preservation registration in the above Doz land is the same as the prior preservation registration in the above Doz's name. Since the above Dozz's preservation registration is invalid, the above Doz's registration in the above Doz's title 1/2 shares transfer registration in the above Doz's title 1/2 shares transfer registration in the above Doz's title as to the land of this case, and each above Haz's ownership transfer registration in the above Doz's title 2 through 4 is also invalid, and the above Doz's ownership transfer registration in the above Doz's name is also invalid.

C. In addition, as seen earlier with respect to the registration of transfer of 1/2 shares in the name of the above j saltB, the defendant agricultural cooperative federation, the defendant, the defendant, and the defendant shall have the obligation to accept the cancellation of transfer of ownership in the above name of saltB, and the plaintiff shall have the obligation to accept the registration of provisional attachment, the registration of attachment, and the registration of participation in attachment.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, the plaintiff, the defendant National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, and the defendant Won-si, Suwon-si, the Suwon-si, shall agree to the procedure for registration of cancellation of the registration of ownership transfer in the name of the non-party saltB, which was completed on December 26, 198 by No. 53572, and the defendant RedCC shall accept the procedure for registration of cancellation of the registration of the establishment of the registration of the establishment of the neighboring land, which was completed on September 27, 1994 by No. 4552, the receipt of the registration No. 4552, and the defendant AAFP shall perform the procedure for registration of cancellation of the registration of the establishment of the establishment of the establishment of the establishment of the new land, which was completed on June 17, 1996 by the receipt of No. 33547, which was completed on June 17, 1996, and each of the plaintiff's claims against the defendants who sought the implementation thereof.
