본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 진주지원 2013.12.30 2013고단1211

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and two months.

70,000 won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

On July 4, 2012, the Defendant was sentenced to one year of imprisonment for a violation of the Act on the Control of Narcotics, etc., and two years of suspended execution on July 12, 2012, and is still under the grace period, which became final and conclusive on July 12, 2012.

The defendant is not a person handling narcotics.

1. On October 14, 2013, at around 18:00, the Defendant received one disposable injection device from D, one psychotropic drug, which contains approximately 0.12g of psychotropic drugs, from D, in front of the street room of D’s residence located in Gohap-gun, Chungcheongnam-gun, Gyeongcheon-gun, Gyeongcheon-gun, without compensation.

2. On October 16, 2013, at around 18:00, the Defendant injected approximately 0.03 grams out of approximately 0.12 gramopon 0.12 grams delivered in Gohap-gun E and administered them by means of dilution with a single-use injection device to his/her her her cryposis.

3. The Defendant granted approximately 0.03g of 0.12 gramphonephonephones delivered as set out in paragraph 2 at the time, place, and at the same time and place as set out in paragraph 2, to G free of charge.

4. The Defendant included approximately 0.06 grams remaining 0.06g of philophones administered as above in a single-use injection machine among approximately 0.12 grams of philophones delivered as set out in paragraph 2 at the same time, place, and as set out in paragraph 1. The Defendant granted G free of charge.

5. On October 30, 2013, the Defendant purchased 300,000,000 won a disposable injection device from D, which contains approximately 0.09g philopon from D in front of his dwelling place in Gohap-gun H.

6. On October 30, 2013, at around 21:30, the Defendant injected approximately 0.045g 0.045g of philopon 0.09g, purchased, as set forth in Jambon 302-5, Jambon I in Gyeongcheon-gun, Gyeongcheon-gun, by dilutioning it with aquatic water, and laying it into her right beer.

7. The Defendant provided G with approximately 0.045g remaining approximately 0.045g of philophonephones purchased as in paragraph 6 at the same time, place, and 0.09g of philophones purchased as in paragraph 5 without compensation.

Summary of Evidence

