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텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 고양지원 2013.12.13 2013고단1975

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Power] On May 15, 2009, the Defendant was sentenced to a fine of 2.5 million won for a violation of the Road Traffic Act (driving) in the Goyang Branch of the Jung-gu District Court on March 15, 2009, and was sentenced to a fine of 4 million won for the same crime at the Seoul Southern District Court on June 8, 2009.

【Criminal Facts】

1. Around 15:40 on September 18, 2013, the Defendant driven Cub 15:205% of the blood alcohol concentration at around 150 meters from the road in front of the 131-1 (Seosan-Eup) Seogu, Pakistan-si, Pakistan-si, Gyeonggi-do, to the roads front of the fireworks.

Accordingly, the Defendant, who violated the prohibition of driving under the influence of alcohol not less than twice, was driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol again.

2. The Defendant in violation of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Settlement of Traffic Accidents is a person who is engaged in driving Cone Star Vehicles.

On September 18, 2013, the Defendant driven the above vehicle while under the influence of alcohol of 0.205% with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.205% on September 15:40, 2013, and continued the road of 1 lane in front of the fireworks of the so-called Simsan-Eup, Seoul Special Metropolitan City, by driving the said vehicle at a speed of about 60 km from the opening to the Chang Tri Tri Tri distance.

At the time, the location is a road where the center line of yellow solid lines is installed, so a person engaged in driving service has a duty of care to properly see the front line and the left and right, to not exceed the center line, and to safely drive the car so as not to prevent accidents by safely driving the car line.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, while under the influence of alcohol, neglected to do so, was driven by the Defendant in front of the vehicle driving by the victim D(the age of 23) who is driving in the form of negligence beyond the center line, and was driven by the victim D(the age of 23).

Ultimately, the defendant needs to treat the victim F(24 years of age) who was on board the victim D and EM3 car in the above occupational negligence for about two weeks respectively.
