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텍스트 조절
(영문) 청주지방법원 2017.06.15 2017고단992

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

On January 12, 2007, the Defendant was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years for a crime of violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes at the Seoul Central District Court, and was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for the same crime at the Seoul Central District Court on April 25, 2008 and the judgment became final and conclusive on April 25, 2008, and thus the sentence of the suspended sentence becomes null and void, and is released from prison on June 30, 201 during the execution of each of the above sentence.

7.31. The parole period expired.

Criminal facts

On February 2, 2013, the Defendant recruited an organization members to work as the so-called “Singishing” in the so-called “Singishing” office in China’s telephone finance fraud center office.

C and Bosing Organization, all of which have been managed

D At the recommendation of D, China was to take part in the telephone financial fraud organization.

D) A person who comprehensively manages and operates a telephone financial fraud organization by creating an office of the telephone financial fraud call center at this place with an apartment in the Chinese orebdo, and then distributing the money obtained from victims, such as the organization of the passbook and the withdrawal book, etc., which is an inducement for financing, and who purchases the above apartment telephone fraud call center office in China, and purchases the "DB", which is the other party list, and educates the victims such as the defendant, etc. of the methods of responding to the various reactions of the victims, C shall supply the organization members in Korea, and shall transfer the money obtained from domestic books to DF managers by calculating the amount of money obtained from the victims, and shall make loans to the manager in Korea, and shall make loans to the manager, who is in charge of the management of the message, and shall make loans to the manager, who pays the money to the manager, who is in charge of the fraud.
