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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원동부지원 2019.12.17 2018가단207825

1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. 1) Defendant B Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant Company”)

(2) On the other hand, as of December 15, 201, C holds shares equivalent to 50% of the total number of shares issued by the Defendant Company (40,000 shares) as of December 15, 2016.

3) As of December 15, 2016, the Plaintiff holds shares equivalent to 31% of the total number of shares issued by the Defendant Company, D holds shares equivalent to 14% of the total number of shares issued by the Defendant Company, and E holds shares equivalent to 5% of the total number of shares issued by the Defendant Company, respectively. 4) The F Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “F”) is a company that is established on September 28, 2012 and engages in the business of manufacturing sports supplies, etc., and C is in office as an internal director from January 16, 2014 to the date of F.

B. On December 15, 2016, the Plaintiff, including the preparation of the agreement between the Plaintiff and C, D, and E, drafted a shareholder agreement to prevent disputes between the shareholders in the future and to determine matters concerning the operation of the Defendant Company and the transfer of shares, etc. (hereinafter “instant agreement”). The main contents of the instant agreement are as follows.

[The purpose of Article 1 (Purpose) of the Agreement on the Stockholders of the Defendant Company is to prevent disputes between the shareholders in the future and to ensure the future in order to ensure the operation of the Defendant Company and the transfer of shares, etc., by preventing the disputes between the shareholders in the future, based on the current asset status and the management performance of the Defendant Company.
