본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 2018.11.30 2018고합250

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

[Reference Facts]

1. B strike staff members and CmP staff members and CmP members and CmP members’ damage and damage CmP, E, at around April 17, 2018, performed alcohol in the next seat while drinking together with women-friendly job offer H, I, etc. at G beerhouse located in Young-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City F on April 17, 2018;

J Ha, while engaging in a dispute between the Japan and the SJ, he/she became to have the B wave staff K and the B wave staff, and after the telephone conversation with the E division, K had the speech that the E was killed for him/her due to his/her own death from the J, and he/she tried to find E in the F Group, along with L as the cause of the event of the B strike,.

On the other hand, the above K shared the above situation with Bm staff M, N,O, etc., and the above L contacted with P, N, Q, and R, which are the causes of the strike, and around 03:00 on the same day, K, M, L, and R were up to the u in U operated by E, by gathering it in the TW coffee shop near the SJ.

Accordingly, K and L arrive at D by getting and moving a VYF small passenger car for L drivers, M and L arrive at D by getting and moving a HG passenger car for M operators, and around 03:15 on the same day, R, K, L, and M accompanied by the entrance door, cooling, air conditioners, chairs, etc. with the view to the view to the view of the view of the view of the view of the view of the view of the vehicle.

2. BP officers and CP officers' house and the process such as the BP officers' house and bP officers' house, and the results of the BP organization, as well as the P, L, M, R, N, Q, P, and W were closely contacted with each other to listen to and make a decision on the D surrounding the fact that CP included the examination in BP K. On the same day, around 03:54, N driving XW car, P driving YW car, and L driving ZF YY or other car.

Around that time, E had become aware of the fact that D was damaged by B, while making a telephone conversation with B, and it was anticipated that D was in dispute with B, E had moved to D along with I, AA, E, E, E, and I had two knifics in D and waiting for AC K3 cars.

Bm. through the above process.
