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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2018.01.11 2016고단5907

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[Carrying-on lending structure] A mobile phone lending is called as a "phone-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-to-face-face-to-face-to-face-face-to-face-face-to-face-to-face-face-to-face-to-face-face-to-face-to-face-to-face (bor-face)"; and a mobile phone

From December 2014, when the Defendant operated the cell phone sales store in the name of Seongbuk-gu Seoul building and the first floor of "E", the Defendant recruited the applicant for the loan by inserting an advertisement such as "240-39 million won at the time of purchasing the opening of the latest cell phone," which is a free door-to-door newspaper, etc., and let the applicant open the cell phone in the neighboring mobile phone agency, and then let the applicant for the loan back the cell phone in the name of the applicant for the loan, and then provide the applicant for the loan with funds by pretending the purchase of the cell phone in the name of the applicant for the loan and then sell the dog phone to the applicant for the loan.

[Criminal facts]

1. On February 27, 2016, the Defendant: (a) proposed in Seongbuk-gu Seoul building and “E” located on the first floor that “F would pay the same amount of money to the number of mobile phones; and (b) caused F to open the phone name of F, such as that F would normally pay the monthly telecommunication fee and terminal installment fee, while using the mobile phone at an irregular mobile phone agency located on the “E” path.
