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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 순천지원 2017.08.31 2017고단227

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

The criminal facts were modified ex officio on the basis of evidence.

On June 2013, the Defendant became aware of the Victim D (the head of E Eup at the time) and, as a result of the energy-related research conducted by himself for a long time, the Defendant’s principle of producing clean energy repeatedly and repeatedly (the Defendant and the victim are referred to as “F”).

Recognizing “the instant principle”, citing “the subject matter, etc. based on the instant principle,” and citing the subject matter, etc., and making the victim believe that the subject matter may cause any changes to the world only when announcing the instant principle.

After G was elected as the head of H on June 4, 2014, the Defendant met G with the introduction of the victim. On the face of KRW 300 million, the Defendant informed the victim and G of the instant principle to G, thereby allowing the victim and the Defendant to publish the instant principle in H Gun and to promote related projects.

In other words, the Defendant, from August 2014 to early September 2014, 2014, announced the instant principle, “At the home of the Defendant, etc. located in the Republic of Korea, the number of 5 to 6 times Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, and G and the victim,” from around 5 to 100, as the introduction of D, can be punished by transfer of technology to the company.

On the face of KRW 300 million, false statements were made to the effect that the data on the instant principle will be transferred.

However, in fact, even if the Defendant received money as the consideration for the transfer of the instant principle, G and the victim did not have the intent or ability to make G and the victim give valuable figures or incur many money to change the history of human beings by allowing G to announce the instant principle.

Nevertheless, the defendant deceivings the victim and G as above and, around November 10, 2014, is against the victim at the office of the defendant I located in the South YI.
