본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2013.05.31 2013고정339

Each public prosecution of this case is dismissed.


1. The summary of the facts charged is that the Defendant, as a manager of the D office of Seo-gu Daejeon Building 623, is an employer who runs online information provision service business using seven full-time workers.

[2013 fixed339]

1. The Defendant is working at the said workplace as a telearb from April 10, 2007 to October 30, 2012.

The retired E’s wages of 1,080,627 won in May 2012, 3,194,829 won in June 2012, 3,564,283 won in July 2012, 2012, wages of 1,898,881 won in August 2012, 2012, 2,118,285 won in September 2, 2012, 2,941, 327 won in arrears, total 14,798,232 won in arrears, and 27,5,523,030 won in total, of the wages of 5 retired workers, were not paid within 14 days from the date of retirement without agreement between the parties on the extension of the due date.

2. The Defendant did not pay 28,207,650 retirement allowances for three retired workers as well as 12,821,980 won in arrears with attached money and other valuables, within 14 days from the date of retirement without any agreement between the parties on extension of the due date.

[2013 fixed340]

1. The Defendant is working in the said workplace as a telearter from September 9, 2009 to August 26, 2012.

The retired FF’s wages amounting to KRW 2,335,053 in July 2012, and KRW 428,987 in August 2012, and KRW 2,764,040 in August 2012, including KRW 17,610,695 in total for nine retired workers, such as the details of the attached money and valuables in arrears, were not paid within 14 days from the date of retirement, without any agreement between the parties on the extension of the due date.

2. The Defendant did not pay KRW 15,919,780 as well as KRW 7,488,540 as well as KRW 4,827,450 as well as KRW 3,603,790 as well as KRW 15,919,780 as well as KRW 4,827,450 as well as KRW 3,603,790 as well as KRW 14,00 from the date of retirement

2. Subparagraph 6 of Article 327 of the Criminal Procedure Act for reasons.
