본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2019.07.17 2019고단668

Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for one year and six months.


A 300,000 won from Defendant B, and 150,000 won from Defendant B.


Punishment of the crime

"2019 Highest 668"

1. Details, etc. of organization of the criminal organization;

A. C and D (Suspension of Prosecution’s Prosecution), which are a shipbuilding unit that established a plan for the organization of the “Singishing Criminal Organization”, are as follows: (a) the shipbuilding unit, E, F, G (Suspension of Prosecution), H (Suspension of Prosecution), I (Suspension of Prosecution), J (Suspension of Prosecution), K (Suspension of Prosecution), and L, etc.; and (b) the public prosecutor or investigator of the public prosecutor’s office by making phone calls to the persons in the DB in an irregular manner; and (c) misrepresenting the public prosecutor of the public prosecutor’s office or investigator of the public prosecutor’s office; and (d) “Sing the money in the case under the name of the Party during the investigation.” The purport of “a transfer of money in the new account to the account designated by us or delivered by us to the employee of the Financial Supervisory Service” is to have the victims transfer money to a specific account through cash withdrawal, and to instruct the aforementioned organization to commit the crime of fraud by directly receiving damages through the so-called “passing”, which assumes the financial supervisory authority’s responsibility.

나. 보이스피싱 콜센터 사무실 및 집기, 조직원의 숙소 등 물적 시설 마련 C과 D은 위와 같은 범행 계획에 따라 2014. 3.경부터 2018. 3.경까지 중화인민공화국 지린성 옌볜조선족자치주 옌지(연길)시, 훈춘(훈춘)시, 룽징(용정)시 이하 각 지역을 ‘연길시’, ‘훈춘시’, ‘용정시’라고 기재 에 각각 사무실을 임차한 후 책상 등 가구, 컴퓨터 등 정보처리기계, 인터넷 설비, 발신 전화번호가 ‘02-’ 또는 ‘010-’으로 자동변환되도록 프로그래밍된 전화기 10~15대, 기타 사무실 집기 등 보이스피싱에 필요한 범행 도구를 비치하고, 각 사무실 부근에 조직원 2~3명이 함께 숙식할 수 있는 숙소를 여러 군데 마련하는 등 물적...
