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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2016.02.03 2015고단1927


A 4 years of imprisonment, Defendant B 2 years and six months of imprisonment, Defendant C 1 year and six months of imprisonment, and Defendant D.


Punishment of the crime

Defendants (Defendant A, B, C, and D) play the role of the head of the call center or a counselor for telecommunications financing fraud (hereinafter referred to as the “scambing”) that receives money from a named “scam account” prepared in advance to the effect that “to obtain a loan,” by misrepresenting the staff of a financial institution in the call center, by misrepresenting himself/herself to a large number of unspecified domestic and unspecified persons, “to deposit money, such as stamp, authentication, deposit, deposit, cost of deposit guarantee, cost of issuing a guarantee insurance, credit rating, and fees, etc.” with the base of “cambing” (hereinafter referred to as “scambing”).

The Defendants take charge of the entire organization while raising the “total responsibilities” of the weak telecommunications financing fraud organization, and Defendant A, the head of the office, under the direction of G, took charge of the operation of the organization, such as the solicitation of large accounts, D/B information collection, provision of brid programs, and fund management, and managed the call center. The head of the team, under the direction of G, managed the call center, and managed the call center, and included the counselors, and the Defendants B, C, D, and C, and T, respectively, performed the role of the call center counseling center. The Defendants conspireded to acquire money by means of “scaming” and “scambing” with financial and telecommunications operators, including G, R, S, T, etc.

1. On July 24, 2013, Defendant A’s telecommunications financial fraud organization assumes, at the call center’s office located in Thailand’s Pocket located in Thailand’s name, Defendant A calls to the victim V via his accomplice, and assumes, “10 million won is possible to loan” to the victim, and “the Defendant sent the cost of issuing the insurance policy issued by the Seoul Guarantee Insurance because of low credit rating, to the Defendant.” The Saemaul Bank in X name on July 24, 2013.
