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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.08.13 2014가합524

1. The plaintiffs and the plaintiffs (appointed parties)' claims are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. Basic facts

A. The defendant is a company running banking business, and the plaintiffs and the designated parties are employed by the defendant and currently in office or retired workers.

B. The Defendant has paid the following wages to its employees in accordance with the rules of employment, such as the Regulations on Retirement Benefits.

1) Basic annual salary for wage item: The basic performance wage, qualification wage, job-based bonus, welfare-based bonus (e.g., food, commuting, general cost, welfare-based bonus): The basic performance wage, profit-sharing cost, statutory allowance: the overtime work allowance, the annual leave allowance for the month of home, the basic wage, qualification wage, job-based wage, and heavy food as "ordinary wage", and based on this, welfare pension, basic performance wage, overtime work, overtime work allowance, annual leave allowance, home event cost, home event cost, self-development cost, and self-development cost calculation 3). (1) The total amount under paragraph (2) is defined as the "average wage" and calculated based on this calculation, including the basic wage, qualification wage, job-based wage, heavy attendance, welfare allowance, welfare allowance, the basic performance wage paid for the year preceding the retirement day, the basic wage paid for the year preceding the retirement day, the amount equivalent to 12/1200 of Gap's annual leave, the purport of which is 3/1200 of Gap's arguments.

2. The parties' assertion

A. The Plaintiffs and the Plaintiff (Appointed Party) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Plaintiffs”) (hereinafter referred to as the “Appointed Party”) constitute ordinary wages for the total amount of ordinary wages, as well as for the fixed work with regular nature, daily rate, and fixedness. However, the Defendant paid welfare pension, basic performance wage, overtime work, annual leave allowance, home event expenses, self-development expenses (monthly), and self-development expenses (monthly).

Therefore, the defendant is above.
