본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2020.05.07 2019가합211533
당선인결정결의 무효확인

1. K in an extraordinary general meeting for the election of the president that the Defendant took place as of October 7, 2019 shall be the elected person.


1. Basic facts

A. According to Article 53 of the Passenger Transport Service Act, the Defendant is a juristic person established for the purpose of improving economic and social status through friendship and unity of LA transport business operators in Daegu area, and the Plaintiffs are the members of the Defendant. Article 4 (Organization) of the Articles of Incorporation is organized as a license holder who operates LA business in Daegu Metropolitan City, and as a license holder who operates LA business. Chapter 2 members of the Association are those who have acquired a license for LA. Article 6 (Qualification) of the Chapter 6 (Liability holder). Article 7 (Rights and Duties) members of the Association are those who participate in the operation of the association, participate in the election of officers and are eligible for election and pay prescribed union dues. However, members who do not pay union dues shall not have voting rights. Article 16 of the Board of Directors

3. Establishment of regulations;

7.The officers of the Fourth (Election and Qualification of Officers) Union under Article 21 (Election and Qualification of Officers) shall be elected from among the members of the Assembly at a general meeting of the members who meet the guidance requirements.

Part VII: Finance and other matters concerning the union's expenses shall be determined by the general meeting, and the matters concerning the subscription fees and the special union's expenses shall be determined by the board of directors.

1. The cooperative fees shall be imposed on the basis of the number of owned vehicles (including suspended vehicles);

2. The deadline for payment of cooperative expenses shall be until the end of the current month;

3. Membership fees and special cooperative fees may be imposed on all or some of its members in order to implement any special project deemed necessary by the cooperative;

Matters incomplete in the articles of incorporation under Article 34 (Trade Practices) shall be governed by ordinary practices.

A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs in Article 4 (Qualifications for Officers) of the Election Management Regulations shall not be qualified as an officer:

3. A person who is disqualified as a member for less than two years as of the public announcement date of an election.

1. Members shall have the right to vote and to be elected pursuant to Article 7 of the articles of association of the cooperative;

Provided, That the operating expenses of the cooperative shall be unpaid by not later than five days before the election day.
