본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.11.28 2014고합766

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year and suspension of qualifications for a year.

However, the above imprisonment for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

Ⅰ. The Defendant, who is engaged in agriculture, joined as a member of the organization of C (hereinafter “C”) and was elected from November 25, 2009 to “C” and was engaged in activities.

Ⅱ North Korea asserts that anti-government organizations in North Korea are anti-government organizations organized illegally for the purpose of representing the government of the Republic of Korea and disturbing the country, and set the basic goal of the unification of the Korean Peninsula as well as setting the history of the Republic of Korea from the point of view of historical interpretation according to the anti-government theory based on the Madernism and the war for ranking, which is the transformation of Madmanistististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististististist, and South

In addition, in order to achieve the independence and unification of the fatherland and to defend the people, North Korea has to build a unification cable of the fatherland, which is the main head of the Joseon People's Republic of Korea, to build an anti-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state country-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state

In addition, North Korea, as the unification plan between South and North Korea, is based on the so-called "the unification plan of the Republic of Korea, the first and second systems of the first nation of the nation of the Republic of Korea", and the abolition of the National Security Act and the conclusion of peace agreements.
