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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2015.07.01 2015고단411

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four months.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] On March 7, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to two years of imprisonment with prison labor for larceny at the Daejeon District Court for six months, and the judgment became final and conclusive on March 15, 2014, and is still under the grace period.

[2015 Highest 411] On January 26, 2015, the Defendant discovered a metal plate for manufacturing signboards (120 cm, 50 cm, 15 cm, 155 cm in length, 15 cm in diameter) with which the market price of the victim E, located in the Dmoel parking lot located in Daejeon Dong-gu Daejeon, Daejeon, is unknown, and attempted to steal it by carrying it over to the hand gate prepared in advance using any cres without any limit in the surrounding area, and attempted to steal it on the wind that the victim is discovered.

[2015 Highest 557] On December 21, 2014, the Defendant discovered one small-scale spacker (6.5km) in front of the back of the “H” operated by the victim G in Seo-gu Daejeon, Daejeon, and then stolen it by using any cresh outside the surrounding area.

[2015 Highest 1468]

1. On April 24, 2015, the Defendant: (a) on April 24, 2015, the Defendant: (b) was the winners on the side of the Han forest apartment located in the Yongsandong-gu Daejeondong-gu, Daejeon, and (c) acquired the Defendant’s Home Packer’s market price as soon as possible, leading the Defendant’s Home Packer Co., Ltd.

The Defendant did not follow necessary procedures such as returning the goods acquired as above to the victim, and embezzled the goods that he/she had on his/her own mind and left the possession of the victim.

2. On April 25, 2015, at around 21:30, the Defendant: (a) discovered that the victim J-owned market in the parking lot of the first floor of the Dong-gu Daejeon Special Metropolitan City, Daejeon Special Self-Governing Province was suffering from the 90,000 won of the market price; (b) discovered that the victim J-owned market was rapidly dried; and (c) cut off by using the cret in the surrounding area.

Summary of Evidence

[2015 Highest 411]

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Statement to E by the police;

1. Each photograph (2015 Height557);

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. G statements;

1. Each photograph;
