본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.09.16 2014가합31849

1. On February 10, 2012, the Seoul Central District Court received on February 10, 2012 as the Plaintiff’s receipt of the attached list No. 28267.


1. Basic facts

A. The relationship between the parties and the real estate 1) The plaintiff, the non-party E, F, and the defendants (hereinafter the above 6 persons are referred to as "the plaintiff South Korea."

(2) On June 8, 1987, the real estate indicated in the separate sheet was originally 478 square meters for three girls between the net G and the network H. The real estate indicated in paragraph (1) in the separate sheet was divided into the real estate indicated in paragraph (3) of the same protocol on March 13, 2009; the remaining 24 square meters in the remaining 469 square meters were divided into the real estate indicated in paragraph (4) of the same list on April 18, 201; and 8 square meters in the remaining 445 square meters in the remaining 445 square meters in the remaining 445 square meters in the same list on January 16, 201, and 3 square meters in the 437 square meters in the separate list were divided into the real estate indicated in paragraph (6) of the same Article.

(hereinafter referred to as “instant real estate” in the attached list). (b)

1) The instant real estate was owned by the deceased G following the death of the deceased G. On September 1987, 1987, the deceased H, the heir of the deceased G, and the Plaintiff’s remainder, the spouse of the deceased H, around September 1, 1987, succeeded to KRW 140/1,00 of the instant real estate; KRW 220/1,00 of the instant real estate; KRW 220/1,00 of the deceased E, South and North Korea; KRW 213/1,00 of the Plaintiff; KRW 108/1,00 of the women, KRW 100 of the Plaintiff, KRW 53/1,00 of the shares, KRW 53/1,00 of the shares, and KRW 53/1,00 of the shares, which are all the shares of the children of the deceased H (hereinafter “the initial agreement on division of inheritance”).

On September 23, 1987, the notarial deed was drawn up by a notary public on the 1987 deed No. 13945 of the 1987 Korean Joint Law Office. 2) On September 29, 1987, the Seoul Central District Court received on September 29, 1987, No. 35937 of the deceased H, and the registration of ownership transfer was made on the entire real estate in the name of the deceased H.

C. On the other hand, the deceased and the progress of the deceased H, and the deceased on April 18, 1998, the deceased and the deceased on the other hand, and thereafter, the Plaintiff left the Plaintiff on the ground of inheritance as Seoul Central District Court No. 28267, Feb. 10, 2012, No. 28267, Apr. 18, 1998.
